20 Ways to Improve Mood and Motivation Today


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You might not consciously think about it, but your mood affects every aspect of your life. If you’re feeling down, you likely don’t have the motivation to go and do anything. All you want to do is stay at home in bed or watch TV all day. A negative mood can greatly affect your productivity and make it feel impossible to reach your goals.

I know this from experience. I suffer from hypersomnia, which is a fancy way of saying no matter how much sleep I get I’m always tired. When I’m tired, my mood tanks and I don’t feel like doing anything. It took me a year to launch this blog because of this problem. Luckily, I was persistent and didn’t give up. I learned several different ways that I could boost my mood. I also worked with doctors to find the right medication for my daytime sleepiness, but it’s not a magic bullet. It only helps a little. I have to stay on top of my mental well-being every day. Some days I win, and some days I lose, but I never give up. I want to help you make progress too.

There are many different things you can do to improve your mood and motivation. These 20 tips can help you to boost mood and motivation today.

1. Start Your Day Off Right

If you read an article about how to boost your mood, and it talks about starting your day off right it will likely say something like, “wake up early, exercise, and eat a healthy breakfast.” Some of that is important, but when I say start your day off right, I mean start your day with the right attitude.

If you wake up and have a bad attitude, you’re probably going to have a bad day. I remember before I got control of my mental health, I would let the tiniest things ruin my day. For example, If I spilled my morning coffee it would set the tone for my day and my mood would never recover.

You have to make a conscious effort to combat this. You may have slept poorly, or woken up with a headache, but if you commit to having a positive attitude then chances are you will have a much better day. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

2. Eat Right

A lot of times eating well is easier said than done. I know when I’m tired and upset I often crave foods that are not good for me. But I also know that if I eat those foods I’m going to feel worse.

When you start increasing your intake of balanced foods, you’ll notice a change in how you feel. This is easier said than done because there’s so much conflicting health science information out there about what’s considered eating healthy. Faced with this problem I recently started working with a dietician. Dietitians are accredited food and nutrition experts who have met rigorous criteria. Simply put, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist but to be a dietitian you have to meet certain standards.

I’m unable to cover all the advice a dietitian could give you in this short section, but there are two basic things you can do to start eating better.

1. Make sure your plate is balanced and includes starch, protein, fat, and produce.

2. Listen to hunger cues. If you’re feeling full stop eating, if you’re hungry eat something.

For more tips on healthy eating from dietitians check out this article from EatThis.com, “28 Things Dietitians Want You to Know Before Losing Weight.”

3. Exercise

Man cycling on mountain road
Photo by Viktor Bystrov on Unsplash

Exercise is an excellent way to improve your mood. It releases feel-good hormones, like serotonin and endorphins, that make you feel happy. And it helps you stay in shape. This doesn’t mean you have to run five miles or hit the weights at the gym. Something as simple as walking every day can make a huge difference.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that has been proven to decrease stress and increase overall happiness. It will teach you to be present in the moment, which means you’ll be able to enjoy the little things more.

We often dwell on the past or focus on what’s coming next, but mindfulness teaches us to live in the moment. This may sound easy, but it takes practice and patience. There are many ways you can do this such as by taking deep breaths, doing yoga, or meditating for five minutes a day. Whatever your practices may be, it’s important to find what works best for you and make time for it every day.

If you’re not sure where to start I highly recommend the Calm app. Or, if you’re a reader then Dan Harris’ book “Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-to Book,” is a great primer on the subject from a beginner’s perspective.

Dan Harris was an ABC News anchor who was skeptical about mindfulness and meditation until he had a mental breakdown on air. Like me, he found peace and is sharing his story not only in this book but through his podcast “10 Percent Happier.”

5. Spend Time in Nature

Personally, this is one of my favorite mood boosters. Nature is one of the best ways to improve your mood and motivation. Just Google “healing power of nature” and you will get a ton of results.

Taking a walk, spending time outside in a park, or even just sitting in a sunlit room with a view of the outdoors can make a big difference. Don’t ignore the calming and soothing power of nature.

6. Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on your mood because it deprives your body and mind of much-needed rest. The more sleep-deprived you are, the worse off you are likely to be in terms of mood and motivation.

To improve your sleep hygiene, try these tips:

  • Use a sleep calculator to figure out the best time to go to bed based on when you need to wake up.
  • Limit screen time an hour before bed. I put my phone in dark mode and don’t look at any blue light.
  • Limit caffeine intake. Drinking caffeine later in the day can affect your ability to fall asleep.
  • Don’t take long naps too late in the day.
  • Avoid alcohol.

These are all general common-sense sleep hygiene habits, and for many people, they will make a difference. For people like me who have insomnia and trouble staying awake during the day you may need a supplement like melatonin to get a restful night.

I’ve tried every melatonin supplement under the sun and the biggest problem I’ve run into is grogginess. I started with 5mg and that was way too much. Then I tried 3mg and that was better, but I was still a little groggy. Then a friend recommended trying a couple of different brands. After some trial and error, I’ve found that Nature Made Melatonin 3mg is the best, and I never wake up groggy. They are also super affordable.

Keep in mind that everyone has different body chemistry, so what works for me may not work for you. I suggest trying the 3mg Nature Made and if that doesn’t work take two. If you’re still having problems after that you should probably see a sleep specialist. Sleep apnea and other conditions could be affecting your quality of rest. Whatever you do, don’t sleep on sleep. It’s probably one of the most important factors in regulating your mood.

7. Get Enough Vitamin D

If you want to feel good, you need Vitamin D. This is especially true in the winter when there isn’t much sun exposure. Vitamin D can be found in a variety of foods, such as eggs and cheese.

I struggled with exhaustion, tiredness, and low mood for over a year until I finally went to my doctor to have some blood work done. Turned out that I was highly deficient in Vitamin D. If these symptoms subscribe you I highly recommend getting Vitamin D test.

You could go to your doctor, get blood work done and wait weeks for your results as I did. Or, buy an Everlywell at-home test kit. As someone who regularly passes out whenever I get blood drawn I wish I knew about this option when I had my levels tested. The Everlywell kit is the highest rated one out there, verified as an A rating by Fakespot review analyzer. Fakespot weeds out fake reviews and grades products. As someone who makes purchase decisions based solely on Fakespot let me tell you, an A rating is rare. It’s also very affordable.

After taking high concentrated doses my levels increased and so did my mood and energy. I no longer need daily naps, I exercise regularly, and I can focus throughout the entire workday. It’s also much easier to stay positive. I recommend Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3. It’s the one I use, and I can say from personal experience that not all supplements are created equal. Sure, you could buy a generic brand from your drug store, but I doubt it will have the same affect. Also, the price is really reasonable.

8. Find a Hobby to Keep Yourself Busy

One of the most effective ways to improve your mood is to find a healthy hobby. Doing something you enjoy can always put you in a better mood. If you’re feeling down or unmotivated, find a hobby that will keep you busy. There are many hobbies that are easy to pursue and don’t require too much time or money, such as blogging, exercising, playing video games, or reading. Find an activity that interests you and be sure to practice it regularly.

Finding a creative hobby can also be helpful. No matter the skill level, creativity can offer many benefits for your health including reducing stress and anxiety. When you’re spending time on something you enjoy, you’ll feel happier and more at peace with life.

9. Learn a New Skill

Find something you’ve always wanted to try and give it a go! Playing guitar, coding, making candles, building a PC. There are a million different things you can try and when you learn something new it will give you a sense of accomplishment and pride.

10. Explore your City Like a Tourist

One of the best ways to improve your mood is by exploring. That doesn’t mean you need to hop on a plane and explore the world. Even exploring your own city like a tourist will make you feel better. It can be as simple as getting out and walking around or visiting one of the local landmarks.

11. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Why do successful people often have successful friends? Because the type of people you surround yourself with will rub off on you. If you’re always around negative people who do nothing but complain then that’s definitely going to affect your mood.

Think about your interests and try to find people who enjoy the same things. Meetup is a great place to start. You can also reach out to people in your network for introductions.

12. Practice Gratitude

As the saying goes, “Count your blessings.” When you focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have, you’ll feel better and be more motivated to tackle difficult tasks. You can try gratitude meditations, or notice things you’re grateful for throughout the day. A warm shower, a roof over your head, food on the table. Having gratitude for the simple things in life can bring you lots of joy. Don’t believe me? Just read this article from Harvard Health.

13. Drink Enough Water

One of the first questions I ask my wife or kids when they say they don’t feel well is, “did you drink water today?”

Drinking enough water is one of the most important parts of maintaining a healthy mind and body. If you’re dehydrated it can cause unclear thinking, mood change, headaches, overheating, and other issues.

When you’re drinking enough water, you’re more likely to feel less stressed, less fatigued, and more energized.

14. Treat Yourself

Many people say that the best way to improve their mood is to treat themselves. The next time you notice your mood dropping, make sure you do something for yourself. Whether that’s going out to dinner with friends or buying a new pair of shoes, it’ll make all the difference in your mood.

15. Look at Cute Animals

Research has shown that watching cute animals can reduce stress and lift your mood. There are tons of websites and apps out there with pictures of cute animals for you to enjoy! The Dodo is one of my personal favorites.

16. Retail Therapy

One of the most popular ways to improve mood is retail therapy. Buying something you want can instantly boost your mood but do this with caution. Shop within your budget and don’t let credit card debt balloon because that could have the opposite effect on your mood.

17. Listen to Music

Music is often used as a form of therapy, and it can help regulate your emotions and make you feel happier after listening to it for just 30 minutes.

Multiple research studies have shown that music is a great mood booster.

18. Positive Self Talk

Positive self-talk is a great way to improve mood and motivation because it makes you feel empowered. When you start telling yourself that you can do anything, you’ll be more likely to believe it and work towards your goals. It’s easy to feel discouraged when things don’t go your way, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Treat yourself like a friend. Think about what you would say to a friend who is struggling and divert that attention towards yourself.

19. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

I don’t know about you, but when I do something nice for others it always makes me feel good. Holding the door for a stranger, buying someone a cup of coffee, or letting a person go ahead of you in line are small things you can do to practice kindness. Not only will you improve your mood, but you will brighten someone else’s day.

20. Book a Trip or Experience

Research shows that feelings of excitement and anticipation about an upcoming event can offer a mental boost. So, jump on Groupon or your favorite travel website and start planning.

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